Luther articles – 1 & 2

Here is a short quote from our second article. These are very important quotes, and needs to become a gracious, but very important conversation among the modern body of Christ, worldwide.


Luther quotes – part 2

…. So what happened at Reformation is that God was forcing the Roman Catholic Empire to stop killing Christians for disagreeing with the empire’s false doctrines. Martin Luther had nothing at all to do with that change. It was just that time in the world that the devil was not gaining by the previous methods and changed tactics. That is what it means that Jesus will build His Church and the gates of Hades cannot prevail in stopping Jesus from building the Church. Just when the devil’s empire has thought it could kill Jesus’ followers worldwide, God answered the devil’s lies in a way that slowed his attempts to murder. So the devil, as the father of lies, will always switch to more deceptive tactics. That is why they want us to trust Martin Luther as the hero of the Reformation rather than as the murderer of Christians. That is what Martin Luther is – a leader of the devil’s more deceptive tactics of war against Christians. And since the Reformation, Rome quietly collects lists of Christians and Jews and other communities who choose to oppose the empire. Roman Catholic Cardinals use these lists to know who they would wish to murder all at once in world war, so their kingdom could attempt to last forever. These are the lists that Adolf Hitler’s SS officers had access to. Your name and your info is already in their database if you are a true follower of Jesus. So now you know that Rome frequently and tactically uses wars and conflicts as cover for putting to death those on the lists. And now you know to pray diligently about the agents of Rome who have murder on their minds. The truth seeps out. So let’s look what Martin Luther said.


>>> Start of quotes on various topics

Martin Luther on putting to death the Anabaptists and non-Catholic peasants:

Luther signed his name in assent to the 1536 pamphlet written by Philip Melanchthon (noted by biographer Bainton above), in which Melanchthon wrote:

That seditious articles of doctrine should be punished with the sword needed no further proof. For the rest, the Anabaptists hold tenets relating to infant baptism, original sin, and inspiration which have no connection with the Word of God, and are indeed opposed to it. . . .

Also when it is a case of only upholding some spiritual tenet, such as infant baptism, original sin, and unnecessary separation, then, because these articles are also important. . .  we conclude that in these cases also the stubborn sectaries must be put to death.

No. 2911b: Responsibility for Curbing the Peasants Between January 26 and 29, 1533
Preachers are the greatest murderers because they admonish the ruler to do his duty and punish the guilty. I, Martin Luther, slew all the peasants in the uprising, for I ordered that they be put to death; all their blood is on my neckBut I refer it all to our Lord God, who commanded me to speak as I did…” [LW 54:180]

Furthermore, anyone who can be proved to be a seditious person is an outlaw before God and the emperor; and whoever is the first to put him to death does right and well. For if a man is in open rebellion, everyone is both his judge and his executioner Therefore let everyone who can, smite, slay, and stab, secretly or openly, remembering that nothing can be more poisonous, hurtful, or devilish than a rebel. It is just as when one must kill a mad dog; if you do not strike him, he will strike you, and a whole land with you [LW 46:50]…

First, I will not oppose a ruler who, even though he does not tolerate the gospel, will smite and punish these peasants without first offering to submit the case to judgment. He is within his rights, since the peasants are not contending any longer for the gospel, but have become faithless, perjured, disobedient, rebellious murderers, robbers, and blasphemers, whom even a heathen ruler has the right and authority to punish. Indeed, it is his duty to punish such scoundrels, for this is why he bears the sword and is “the servant of God to execute his wrath on the wrongdoer,” Romans 13 [:4] [LW 46:51].

If they think this answer is too harsh, and that this is talking violence and only shutting men’s mouths, I reply, “That is right.” A rebel is not worth rational arguments, for he does not accept them. You have to answer people like that with a fist, until the sweat drips off their noses. The peasants would not listen; they would not let anyone tell them anything, so their ears must now be unbuttoned with musket balls till their heads jump off their shoulders. Such pupils need such a rod. He who will not hear God’s word when it is spoken with kindness,12 must listen to the headsman, when he comes with Iris are. If anyone says that I am being uncharitable and unmerciful about this, my reply is: This is not a question of mercy; we are talking of God’s word. It is God’s will that the king be honored and the rebels destroyed; and he is as merciful as we are (LW 46:65-66).





… “Whoever wants to be a Christian must be intent on silencing the voice of reason.”

Source: Martin Luther, “Sermons on the Gospel of St. John,” in Works, Vol. 23, p. 99.

… “I am on the heels of the Sacramentaries and the Anabaptists; … I shall challenge them to fight; and I shall trample them all underfoot.”

Source: Dave Armstrong, Martin Luther and The Protestant Inquisition
            (Daniel-Rops, 86)

… “It is our custom to affright those who … fail to attend the preaching; and to threaten them with banishment and the law. … In the event of their still proving contumacious, to excommunicate them … as if they were heathen.”

Source: Dave Armstrong, Martin Luther and The Protestant Inquisition
            (Grisar, VI, 263; EN, IX, 365; letter to Leonard Beyer, 1533)

“Although excommunication in Pope-dom has been shamefully abused … yet we must not suffer it to fall, but make right use of it, as Christ commanded.”

Source: Dave Armstrong, Martin Luther and The Protestant Inquisition
            (Durant, 424-425)

… “If you understand the Gospel rightly, I beseech you not to believe that it can be carried on without tumult, scandal, sedition. … The word of God is a sword, is war, is ruin, is scandal.”

Source: Letter of Martin Luther to Georg Spalatin, February 1520

“The Word of God can never be advanced without whirlwind, tumult, and danger … One must either despair of peace and tranquility or else deny the Word. War is of the Lord who did not come to send peace. Take care not to hope that the cause of Christ can be advanced in the world peacefully and sweetly, since you see the battle has been waged with his own blood and that of the martyrs.”

Source: Letter of Martin Luther to Georg Spalatin, February 1520

…”If we punish thieves with the yoke, highwaymen with the sword, and heretics with fire, why do we not rather assault these monsters of perdition, these cardinals, these popes, and the whole swarm of the Roman Sodom, who corrupt youth and the Church of God? Why do we not rather assault them with arms and wash our hands in their blood?”

Source: Martin Luther, On the Pope as an Infallible Teacher, 25 June 1520

“My opinion is that it is better that all the peasants be killed than that the princes and magistrates perish, because the rustics took the sword without divine authority. The only possible consequence of their satanic wickedness would be the diabolic devastation of the kingdom of God. Even if the princes abuse their power, yet they have it of God, and under their rule the kingdom of God at least has a chance to exist. Wherefore no pity, no tolerance should be shown to the peasants, but the fury and wrath of God should be visited upon those men who did not heed warning nor yield when just terms were offered them, but continued with satanic fury to confound everything. … To justify, pity, or favor them is to deny, blaspheme, and try to pull God from heaven.”

Source: Letter of Martin Luther to Nicholas Amsdorf, 25 May 1525…….


You can read more in both of our published articles:

Luther quotes: Article 1

Luther quotes: Article 2

2 Chicago Conferences, Same team, Same Problems

Coming soon (Oct 2023) – 2 false teaching conferences, in Chicago. Remember, no false teacher gets *everything* wrong, but they always twist the truth or leave out essential truths. There is some clear evidence to show that lady-Jesuit Julie Roys (and team) are working with Jesuit Mark Jobe to sabotage the history and testimony and teachings at MBI even further than Jesuit-nazi Erwin Lutzer did. You can find out more in the report links below.

>>> And a special request: Friends and fellow laborers, please go to these conferences or listen online to one or both, and call out and expose the false teaching you see. Please also consider sharing what you found with us too. Remember, it takes a team, especially when exposing false teachers, Vatican Jesuits, and demonic psychologists, and they predators they protect and partner with. Thank you! #WatchAndPray

~ Watching, Preaching, Praying, SH with the INCPU and RestoreMBI teams


Article links:
> Julie is Wrong (and some of why)

> Mark Jobe, Extended Report

> Who is Mark Jobe

Also, for extra help in understanding why the Jesuits are attacking the foundations at Moody Bible Institute, and some of what they are doing, and some of who is caught as Jesuit saboteurs

> Billy Graham, Jesuit “evangelist” with a false gospel

> Written Proof, Jesuit threats and actions to destroy America and the honest Jews and followers of Jesus in America – for over 200 years, direct quotes from Vatican and other Jesuit leaders

> Jesuit colleges who are sabotaging Moody

> The Jesuit faculty (most are still at Moody)
Part 1

Part 2

> Problems at Moody: Jesuit Psychology and Jesuit Psychologists

New Skit – “Hello I’d Like to Work for God”/Moody Founder’s Conference

>>> New Skit just in time for Moody Founder’s Week October 2023

Moody Founder’s Week Conference is being scattered away by the enemies of the cross of Jesus Christ.

Let’s review some quick history:
From 1880-1886, Evangelist Dwight Moody started conferences in his home in Northfield, Massachusetts to encourage missions.
In 1886, Dwight Moody founded the Student Missions Conferences in Northfield to equip YMCA young college men to do ministry on college campuses and to do evangelistic missions in many countries. There were 200 men who arrived this year from around the world. Also, in 1886, Dwight Moody also started plans for the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois.
In 1893, Northfield Conferences had developed into large evangelism training conferences for both men and women. And in Chicago, speakers arrived from around the world to train students for gospel ministry and preaching to the millions of world travelers who arrived at the Chicago World’s Fair.

This is the founder’s idea, DL Moody working with God, for the Northfield Conference and Moody Founder’s Week Conference. Dwight Moody, the founder of both of these conferences, wanted men and women to be equipped for missions and ministry in America and around the world.

However, there have always been enemies of Christ working to undo what these believers were building up in Christ. Between World War 1 and World War 2, enemies of the cross of Christ had murdered one headmaster of Moody’s Northfield Schools and had turned the schools away from ministry training to focus on business training. The Northfield Conferences were scattered away between the years of 1943-1945 and Northfield would later begin partnerships with United Nations programs and every secular philosophy and religion. Now the Northfield Massachusetts schools have an inter-faith chaplain and student groups for every false religion and LGBTQ behaviors, and the schools are unrecognizable to their founder’s work of reaching all nations for Christ.

In Chicago, the attacks of the enemies of the cross are slower and more secretive, because many of their earlier methods failed to change the Moody Bible Institute away from the gospel of Christ. Christ’s enemies have tried to stop Moody Bible Institute with accusations like causing dissension in the body of Christ and mass-producing evangelism methods for money and proud reputation. They also tried to turn MBI into business training and away from evangelism training. They tried to make MBI leadership more secular and ecumenical. All of these attacks eventually laid the ground-work for open partnership between the Roman Catholic enemies of the cross with their secret Jesuit partners who are ruining MBI and Moody Church, along with their partners in demonic psychology.

In both Northfield and Chicago, the Jesuits have taken property for themselves away from Moody’s schools. And in both Northfield and Chicago, they only want to include students who despise the preaching against sin and evangelism practices that Jesus did when he sent out His disciples to reach out to many cities, and who falsely declare Jesus’ authority to conquer sin and death without repentance. These enemies of Christ do not want conferences that teach street evangelism and gospel preaching like Dwight Moody’s friends were doing. So the enemies of the cross of Christ are using false regulations and schedule changes to scatter people away from the Moody Founder’s Week Conference. Men like Mark Jobe, Erwin Lutzer, and their friends are trying to scatter and confuse the work of this conference.

So we wrote a skit to encourage others to do what God has inspired D. L. Moody and others to do – work for God.

– Thank you!
servants of Christ,
the RestoreMBI team


You can read it here! It’s called: “Hello! I’d Like to Work for God”

TGMT series, Skit 2, “Hello! I’d Like to Work for God!

excellent Parshall radio episode

An audio that is worth your time, if you are concerned about the problems at Moody Bible Institute, and the Roys network of anti-Biblical friends. We have been saying Neal and Julie are wrong for a while now, we tried to work with them, we found they lied to us multiple times, and they are partnering with Jesuit and psychologist liars. Please pray that more people stand with God and His Word and against liars who push predators on families and children.

~ Watch and Pray,
the RestoreMBI team

Tribulation – Proof, Not Yet

roofs that we are *Not* in the literal Biblical Tribulation yet

(but do get ready, refining trials are coming) September 2023 Bible study

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ, and unsaved friends who want to know where we are in God’s end-time events. This is a short study and outline to help you track where we are in God’s time-clock and map.

To catch the hoaxes of satan, you have to first understand that God always tells the truth, and satan always tells some form of lie. The devil, satan, is a lot more outspoken than you have probably realized. Have you ever tried to count how many different ways satan lies to you and those around you? Have you ever stopped to count how many people he gets to say his lies? Have you ever stopped to count how many times and ways satan mocks God, the Bible, the consequences of sin, holiness, honesty, truth, Heaven and Hell, the Messiah Jesus/Yeshua , and the Bible? If you haven’t, you need to. There have been dozens, even hundreds, of false prophecies from satan through his servants projecting wrong dates, non-Biblical and even anti-Biblical events, times, seasons, and signs. The more of satan’s hoaxes you fall for or get deceived by, the more confused about God you will be.

To truly understand why God has established judgments and prophecies against satan’s team and satan himself, you have to do a deeper understanding of how cruel the sins, abuses, and crimes of the devil and his team are. But that is a study for another time. Simply put, sin (especially sin from a hardened heart) is terrorism – it’s an attack on the honest or innocent. Abusers try to attack the innocent and honest people to silence consequences and fight for their twisted sin-pleasures. The only thing sin-driven and money driven abusers stop because of is a force of consequences equal to their hardness of heart in fighting for their sins and crimes. And for those who keep hardening their hearts deeper in sin, eventually there is no repentance allowed, only the fiery expectation of judgment equal to their level of sins, abuses, and crimes, forever. God is always 100% fair, the more you get to know Him, the more you will see that. So, God is just and fair. And we need to learn to become like Him, yes? Good, let’s keep growing.

Throughout the last 500 to 1000 years, satan, the liar, has tried to pretend the Tribulation happened, seemingly every year or every few years. There have been far too many false prophecies to count in the last few hundred years, including pretending Hitler was the antichrist around WWII, then there was the “end of the world” around Y2K, and then again with 9/11/01, and of course the mockery/lies about certain US “presidents”, being “the antichrist”. There is much to discuss here, another time.

But, moving forward, we hope this little study will help you think through what God says, so you can let God enhance your eyesight to catch more of satan’s lies, schemes, and liars. The devil, satan, is the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:1-3). So, yes, he has many voices asking and preaching 3 things: 1) Did God really say? Is God being honest? 2) Will intentional sins really kill you? And 3) You can become a “god” or like God if you follow satan.

If you have more questions on any of these topics, just ask in the comments or write us directly: Steven.H3(at)

So, with those short notes, let us look at God’s Word to prove that, according to God, who actually knows the beginning from the end, and the exact placement and timings, we are *NOT* in the literal, Biblical Tribulation. Is it rough? Yes. Refining trials are coming, but it’s not the Tribulation, yet.

List of proofs:

1) The Biblical rapture will not be a secret rapture, every person on earth will know that Jesus has come in the sky. Verses: Revelation 1:7, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; see also: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 | Secondary proof, satan has been working since WWII to do an elaborate display of lights, mirrors, chemtrails, lasers, holograms, and secret international NWO military equipment to “prove” we are fighting aliens, and it also shows up many times in the super-hero mythology of Rome and her Jesuit false teachers and false prophets.

2) The literal Biblical rapture precedes (takes place before) the revealing of the actual one-world antichrist and his rise to power and signing of treaties. Verses: Revelation 3:10, 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8

3) The Tribulation starts *after* the “church age” has ended at the Biblical rapture. And it will be clear that the rapture has happened, because Jesus will snatch up all honest followers of Jesus worldwide, and leave behind all “almost saved” church people, and Jesus will speak directly to each of them directly. There’s nothing secret here – God does everything openly. You won’t miss it. Verses: Revelation 4:1, Revelation 3:7-22, 1 Thessalonians 4 and 5

4) The Tribulation cannot start until *after* the Biblical “rapture”, after “these things” (Rev4:1) which is the end of the “church age” (Revelation 2 and 3), and *after* the revealing of the actual 1-man leader of the world, the “antichrist”, meaning false messiah/Christ, who will quickly become the one-world dictator. You will not be able to miss it. Everyone will see it. The devil won’t be able to hide his tricks.

5) The Tribulation will *NOT* happen like any false teaching books or movies you have read or watched, including the blasphemous and lying “Left Behind” series. The “Left Behind” series has far too many lies to count – it’s almost 100% blasphemy that pretends God is absent, uncaring or silent, etc. So, to clarify again, the Biblical rapture and Biblical Tribulation *will not* happen like the books/movies of fiction say, but *will* happen exactly how God says clearly in His Word, the Bible. The Tribulation will not happen like any other false prophecy of Rome and other false religions either. It will happen in the order you see in the actual Book of Revelation, given by Jesus to the apostle John around 90AD to 95AD.

6) You cannot have a few parts and pieces at a time of the Tribulation and not the Tribulation as a whole, and in order. Either it all happens and in the order of and as God says it will happen, *or* what you are seeing is just another very elaborate satanic hoax.

7) The Book of Revelation is an actual chronology, and a final map of the church age, Tribulation, 1000 year reign of Christ, then the final judgments, and then the God removing the old heaven and earth, and God creating a new Heaven and earth. If you study it carefully and keep it in the right order, you can follow it quite easily. And everything else Jesus and the Bible says, fits directly in, when kept in context and a proper translation. Revelation chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 will happen in exact order. Revelation 12 and 13 are reviews. Revelation 14 and 15 are a short pause, then Revelation 16, 17, 18, and 19 are going to happen in order again. Revelation 20 is a very brief account of the final judgments at the Great White Throne (for the unsaved), and the final judgments at the Bema Seat of Christ, for those who had not been judged yet. Then Revelation 21 and 22 is the brief preview of what the new heaven and new earth and the eternal community will be like, which God’s prophets Isaiah and Zechariah also talk a little about.

8) The literal 7 year Tribulation is God’s fulfillment to Israel, not the church. The cult of Rome has lied for centuries about it, but God’s Word is always true. The literal 7-year Tribulation is the last of the 49 weeks of years said to God’s prophet Daniel in Daniel 9:24-27, it is also called the “time of Jacob’s trouble” in Jeremiah 30:7. Verses: Daniel 9:24-27, Jeremiah 30:7

9) The literal Biblical Tribulation will be an actual 7 years from start to finish. God makes this plain in several ways, including the countings of weeks, months, and years in various old and new testament passages. Verses: Daniel 9:24-27.

*** There are more examples to discuss… but let’s get back to one thing that has to happen first.

10) Before even the rapture can happen, Jesus said there is going to be a revival so He comes back to a pure and holy-living body of believers. That’s why there are trials coming to refine your hearts, and those around you. Will you submit to God? Or will you harden your heart and keep fighting your Creator? Time will show. Remember, in all seasons, submit to God, grow in the fear of the Lord, walk holy, encourage and pray for the brethren, even as you see them stumble, pray for their spiritual growth.

“Girl Power From God”

Girl Power From God

You have power from God to judge men who lust at you or your friends. When you see a man lusting and you pray about it, God will teach them a lesson to quit treating women that way. I have used that prayer many times. I have seen this is a powerful prayer that God answers every time. This prayer will either help that man grow up and be more obedient in how they treat women, or it will enact God’s power to put barriers around that man to protect other women from him. Don’t be afraid to pray about that, I know for sure that if that man is innocent, then nothing tough will happen to him. There are many Bible verses that teach this truth, but here we quote a few key verses.

My name is David. I’ve been a serious follower of Christ for at least 48 years, a serious Bible student for 47 years, following the qualifications of a pastor for 33 years, and a Bible teacher calling people to turn from sin to Jesus for at least 33 years. The USA needs more men and women who follow Christ to stand against sin and abusers.

Jesus said in Matthew 5:27-28 “You have heard that it was said to Israel of old; ‘You shall not commit adultery’. But I teach you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already started committing adultery with her in his heart.” Jesus quoted the original commandment from Exodus 20:14 and added to that teaching. And the 10th Commandment is similar; “You shall not covet your neighbor’s …wife.” Paul further explained that teaching in 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 “…you should abstain from sexual immorality… (do not live) in the passion of lust like the Gentiles do who do not know God; that no one should defraud his brethren in this manner, because God is the avenger of all such…” God’s revenge doesn’t destroy people or we would all be dead. No God uses His power to teach lessons to the saved and the unsaved, Romans 1:18-32.

OK, what should we all know from those verses? (1) God wrote the 10 Commandments with His own finger, and I’m absolutely sure that (2) all violations of those 10 Commandments are written in the judgment books at the Great White Throne Judgment” in Revelation 20:11-15 for unbelievers. John “saw a Great White Throne and Him who sat on it… (and) I saw the dead small and great standing before God, and the books were opened… the dead were judged according to their works which were written in those books…” (3) We know that neither you or me are that Judge – God is active and final Judge. But I’m simply pointing out that God opposes “lust” and “coveting”. (4) Jesus judges lust almost as tough as He judges actual adultery. When Christians pray against sin, God enacts some teaching lessons here on earth to make a person think about their actions, words, thoughts and motives.

I have been a construction worker for four decades. I have shopped in the big box hardware stores for many years. When I see a man looking at something interesting, I look at what he is staring at. Sometimes they are looking at the latest tools. But many times I find they just stared at a woman. I have prayed and judged many men through the years for doing that. Most of those men I never see again, but the men I have seen and recognized later; it was obvious that God forced them to change. Many times my prayer created a money hardship for them, so they had to work much harder to survive, so they didn’t have the energy or spare time to think and plan about sins, Genesis 3:17-19. That trouble called “weeds” is more than irritating green things with roots in a garden or crop of food, as Galatians 6:7-9 teaches. “Weeds” show up in every type of work in life. If you pray against the sins you see; that man or woman will have to work harder. They will be too busy solving weeds to have time to dream of sins.

This is also a problem in most Churches. Of course there are many women trying to impress people with how pretty they are, and maybe they don’t realize their clothing styles are the devil’s tool to create problems. But when you are at Church, please observe what the men are looking at, including the pastor and judge anything suspicious. If they are innocent, nothing will happen; but if they are guilty, God will make them quit sinning that way. The same teaching applies to the unsaved men at the stores you go to. If you pray against the sins you see, God will take action against any and all men lusting or coveting a woman. Please do your Church and your country a favor, but also pray against the women trying to get attention by their clothing.

Many wives of men who go to Church know this is a problem, and the wife doesn’t know what to do. If she asks the pastor what to do, his advice or prayers didn’t seem to change anything. And in many cases, the pastor plays with the same sins. In 1 Peter 3:7, God gives you the wife a perfect answer for many marriage problems, including a lustful husband. These verses even apply for any ways your husband is treating you wrong. Simply pray and then believe God hears your prayers. Peter taught: “Husbands, dwell with your wife with understanding, giving honor to your wife as a weaker vessel, as being heirs together of the grace of eternal life, that your prayers may not be hindered.” If you pray to God about a problem with your husband, God will teach that man to quit it. What happens is this: a Christian man gets worried when God refuses to hear his prayers. God will also correct a non-Christian husband too. Please write down that Passage from 1 Peter 3:1-7, and read it often and obey it. Practice and learn God’s Word in your own life, it will give you power from God. That is why we called this Bible study; ‘Girl Power From God’.

Some wives don’t know if lust is a sin problem in her husband. It is time for her to find the answer and make a life change. Go to stores with your husband, any and all stores will help. You can call it a date and try to make it fun. But also observe what he looks at closely. If you see a problem, you may say something to him if you want, but that isn’t necessary. All you need to do is pray and let God take care of that problem. Some husbands will use their self control to hide this problem at first, so to find the truth make this a life change and go to stores with your husband. Please find this problem before the devil makes it a very big problem.

If you discover your pastor is lusting over women, that might be a very bad decision for him. When a man makes a pastoral covenant with God; 1 Timothy 3:1-7 & Titus 1:6-9, that man receives extra grace so he can try and learn how to teach and correct problems. That pastor almost feels invincible. But some of those pastors decide to use God’s gift to have extra money 1 Timothy 6:10. Some men use God’s grace as an opportunity to fill his sexual lusts. Peter condemned that evil behavior in 2 Peter 2:1-22 and Jude the half brother of Jesus condemn that as evil. Maybe that pastor can repent with holy fear. But maybe that pastor has decided to become a lustful animal who “turned the grace of God into lewdness.” Jude 1:4. A Christian can’t lose his salvation covenant, unless he never completed his salvation covenant with Jesus, and is not saved yet; Matt. 26:28 & 2 Corinthians 13:9-11 & James 1:4. If your pastor is lusting then he has rejected the fear of the Lord, and you need to quit calling that man your pastor.

Why don’t we ever hear of this as a sermon topic? It’s because strong and honest preaching reduces the amount of money given in the offering plate. We plead with you to give a copy of this Bible study to your pastor, and your husband. If your pastor or husband still watches TV or listens to rock music or country music or etc, then you already know that he is lusting over other women about sexual things. Maybe it will give your pastor or your husband some new sermon topics for Father’s Day, or any other Bible studies he teaches. But maybe this Bible study will give your pastor a new dose of holy fear of God’s wrath; so he can win his race before God with victory. Pray about this sin concerning other religious leaders and government leaders. This prayer will show who’s who.

Please print this Bible study and read it again next week or sooner. And please take time to look at all of the Bible verses we listed. Keep trying to understand all of those verses, and ask God to help you (James 1:5-7). God wants you to become a great woman of faith and we are cheering for you to become mature with Jesus’ help. Do it for Jesus. Please share this Bible study with your friends. The USA needs to get these sexual sins right with God. If you have any questions, e-mail us.

(Barbara and I have been married for 40 years, we are servants of Christ, David and Barbara)

Intro to “Silas Wrote Hebrews”

A Brief Summary Of This Study: “Silas Wrote Hebrews”

Hello friends, brethren and fellow Bible students, (September 2021)

We wrote a quick list of 130 important facts about Silas wrote Hebrews and the history surrounding Hebrews, for those who are in a hurry. That list starts on page 3 of this Bible study. As you read the 55 pages of this Bible study, you will notice we show you the verses explaining the ministry stages of Peter’s life and Paul’s life. Also there are many additional side studies to strengthen ministry leaders along the way because the Holy Spirit moved me to explain additional subjects that are interesting & important to Christians.

Read more at the links below:

And on RestoreMBI

Warning: Coming Famine. Read more 4 info

[Picture caption: God allowed a dust bowl/famine in 1930s, and He is sending this coming famine on the US now. This is the church age (Revelation 2 and 3), not the literal Tribulation. This is a direct rebuke from God. Are you listening? Will you be ready?]

Read more at the links below.

On INCPU news

Also on RestoreMBI

Open Reply to Warren Smith’s article on Z-radio

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ and fellow laborers, May 2021

Our team is very happy to see citizens reporting more and people speaking up more about abusive leaders, and especially crimes, scandals, and immoral activities. We know that those evil things being brought to light are the only way the honest church of Jesus Christ can fix the problems, help heal the wounded, and to bring abusers to justice, whatever punishment their crimes and evil merit.

Sometimes, though, someone writes an article where it would look okay to some, but for those who live closer to the problem, they know more of the details. In the case of this article written by a former Chuck Colson team-member about a local music station in FL, we know a lot more details. And knowing more info, we have to say that this article is poorly written, at best. Do you want proof for any of the details and topics we mention in this article, just ask. We will be happy to provide you examples, links and articles.

You can read more of the article at the links below.

> On

> Also on