Here is a short quote from our second article. These are very important quotes, and needs to become a gracious, but very important conversation among the modern body of Christ, worldwide.
Luther quotes – part 2
…. So what happened at Reformation is that God was forcing the Roman Catholic Empire to stop killing Christians for disagreeing with the empire’s false doctrines. Martin Luther had nothing at all to do with that change. It was just that time in the world that the devil was not gaining by the previous methods and changed tactics. That is what it means that Jesus will build His Church and the gates of Hades cannot prevail in stopping Jesus from building the Church. Just when the devil’s empire has thought it could kill Jesus’ followers worldwide, God answered the devil’s lies in a way that slowed his attempts to murder. So the devil, as the father of lies, will always switch to more deceptive tactics. That is why they want us to trust Martin Luther as the hero of the Reformation rather than as the murderer of Christians. That is what Martin Luther is – a leader of the devil’s more deceptive tactics of war against Christians. And since the Reformation, Rome quietly collects lists of Christians and Jews and other communities who choose to oppose the empire. Roman Catholic Cardinals use these lists to know who they would wish to murder all at once in world war, so their kingdom could attempt to last forever. These are the lists that Adolf Hitler’s SS officers had access to. Your name and your info is already in their database if you are a true follower of Jesus. So now you know that Rome frequently and tactically uses wars and conflicts as cover for putting to death those on the lists. And now you know to pray diligently about the agents of Rome who have murder on their minds. The truth seeps out. So let’s look what Martin Luther said.
>>> Start of quotes on various topics
Martin Luther on putting to death the Anabaptists and non-Catholic peasants:
Luther signed his name in assent to the 1536 pamphlet written by Philip Melanchthon (noted by biographer Bainton above), in which Melanchthon wrote:
That seditious articles of doctrine should be punished with the sword needed no further proof. For the rest, the Anabaptists hold tenets relating to infant baptism, original sin, and inspiration which have no connection with the Word of God, and are indeed opposed to it. . . .
Also when it is a case of only upholding some spiritual tenet, such as infant baptism, original sin, and unnecessary separation, then, because these articles are also important. . . we conclude that in these cases also the stubborn sectaries must be put to death.
No. 2911b: Responsibility for Curbing the Peasants Between January 26 and 29, 1533
“Preachers are the greatest murderers because they admonish the ruler to do his duty and punish the guilty. I, Martin Luther, slew all the peasants in the uprising, for I ordered that they be put to death; all their blood is on my neck. But I refer it all to our Lord God, who commanded me to speak as I did…” [LW 54:180]
Furthermore, anyone who can be proved to be a seditious person is an outlaw before God and the emperor; and whoever is the first to put him to death does right and well. For if a man is in open rebellion, everyone is both his judge and his executioner… Therefore let everyone who can, smite, slay, and stab, secretly or openly, remembering that nothing can be more poisonous, hurtful, or devilish than a rebel. It is just as when one must kill a mad dog; if you do not strike him, he will strike you, and a whole land with you [LW 46:50]…
First, I will not oppose a ruler who, even though he does not tolerate the gospel, will smite and punish these peasants without first offering to submit the case to judgment. He is within his rights, since the peasants are not contending any longer for the gospel, but have become faithless, perjured, disobedient, rebellious murderers, robbers, and blasphemers, whom even a heathen ruler has the right and authority to punish. Indeed, it is his duty to punish such scoundrels, for this is why he bears the sword and is “the servant of God to execute his wrath on the wrongdoer,” Romans 13 [:4] [LW 46:51].
… If they think this answer is too harsh, and that this is talking violence and only shutting men’s mouths, I reply, “That is right.” A rebel is not worth rational arguments, for he does not accept them. You have to answer people like that with a fist, until the sweat drips off their noses. The peasants would not listen; they would not let anyone tell them anything, so their ears must now be unbuttoned with musket balls till their heads jump off their shoulders. Such pupils need such a rod. He who will not hear God’s word when it is spoken with kindness,12 must listen to the headsman, when he comes with Iris are. If anyone says that I am being uncharitable and unmerciful about this, my reply is: This is not a question of mercy; we are talking of God’s word. It is God’s will that the king be honored and the rebels destroyed; and he is as merciful as we are (LW 46:65-66).
… “Whoever wants to be a Christian must be intent on silencing the voice of reason.”
Source: Martin Luther, “Sermons on the Gospel of St. John,” in Works, Vol. 23, p. 99.
… “I am on the heels of the Sacramentaries and the Anabaptists; … I shall challenge them to fight; and I shall trample them all underfoot.”
Source: Dave Armstrong, Martin Luther and The Protestant Inquisition
(Daniel-Rops, 86)
… “It is our custom to affright those who … fail to attend the preaching; and to threaten them with banishment and the law. … In the event of their still proving contumacious, to excommunicate them … as if they were heathen.”
Source: Dave Armstrong, Martin Luther and The Protestant Inquisition
(Grisar, VI, 263; EN, IX, 365; letter to Leonard Beyer, 1533)
“Although excommunication in Pope-dom has been shamefully abused … yet we must not suffer it to fall, but make right use of it, as Christ commanded.”
Source: Dave Armstrong, Martin Luther and The Protestant Inquisition
(Durant, 424-425)
… “If you understand the Gospel rightly, I beseech you not to believe that it can be carried on without tumult, scandal, sedition. … The word of God is a sword, is war, is ruin, is scandal.”
Source: Letter of Martin Luther to Georg Spalatin, February 1520
“The Word of God can never be advanced without whirlwind, tumult, and danger … One must either despair of peace and tranquility or else deny the Word. War is of the Lord who did not come to send peace. Take care not to hope that the cause of Christ can be advanced in the world peacefully and sweetly, since you see the battle has been waged with his own blood and that of the martyrs.”
Source: Letter of Martin Luther to Georg Spalatin, February 1520
…”If we punish thieves with the yoke, highwaymen with the sword, and heretics with fire, why do we not rather assault these monsters of perdition, these cardinals, these popes, and the whole swarm of the Roman Sodom, who corrupt youth and the Church of God? Why do we not rather assault them with arms and wash our hands in their blood?”
Source: Martin Luther, On the Pope as an Infallible Teacher, 25 June 1520
“My opinion is that it is better that all the peasants be killed than that the princes and magistrates perish, because the rustics took the sword without divine authority. The only possible consequence of their satanic wickedness would be the diabolic devastation of the kingdom of God. Even if the princes abuse their power, yet they have it of God, and under their rule the kingdom of God at least has a chance to exist. Wherefore no pity, no tolerance should be shown to the peasants, but the fury and wrath of God should be visited upon those men who did not heed warning nor yield when just terms were offered them, but continued with satanic fury to confound everything. … To justify, pity, or favor them is to deny, blaspheme, and try to pull God from heaven.”
Source: Letter of Martin Luther to Nicholas Amsdorf, 25 May 1525…
You can read more in both of our published articles:
Luther quotes: Article 1
Luther quotes: Article 2