#RedAlert, while the international mafia “govt” team has had you worried about CV, they have just shut down our food supply. They are trying to create a drought. Those preppers that you laughed at, were worried about this. Get ready – there’s a drought coming, and unless enough of us rise up to do arrests and prosecutions asap, we aren’t going to be able to stop it, only be able to weather it, build community, lean on God’s wisdom and guidance and prepare for arrests and prosecutions *after* this NWO storm has passed. Remember, God protects and provides for those who turn from sin and resist the devil and seek Him and walk holy and pray. Psalm 34:7 and Psalm 91 and Matthew 6:33 are just 3 passages that have promises for people to claim, if they are walking holy. Please, please, please, spread the word. Find ways to help those around you.
This is #springtime – the farmers are being forced to *not* plant crops… we are going to feel that one…
The NWO/Vatican team knows that they are creating a famine – it’s heading our way. They know that. And now, so do you.
~ Watching, Preaching, Praying, SH with the INCPU news team
Here is a list of articles.First off, the Jesuits at Wharton have been trying to pretend to be our heroes on this subject since 2013, but the Jesuits are our worst enemy.
> https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/growing-food-growing-problems/
Other articles on the calculated NWO/Vatican food shutdown.
Mercola – Govt shutdown causes farmers to be told to quit
> https://blogs.mercola.com/sites/vitalvotes/archive/2020/04/11/government-shutdown-causes-farmers-to-be-told-to-quit-farming.aspx
Also in Cali
> https://www.sacbee.com/news/california/article241896861.html
In the Northwest: Wash, Oreg, Vancouver, BC
> https://www.theolympian.com/opinion/op-ed/article241670301.html
> https://fox59.com/news/coronavirus/covid-19-pandemic-hurts-central-indiana-dairy-framers/
> https://www.wuwm.com/post/restaurants-closing-how-will-farmers-be-impacted-covid-19#stream/0
Quincy, FL
> https://www.wctv.tv/content/news/Quincy-Farm-Share-event–569382571.html
Raw milk stopped
“…There are limited options for dairy farmers hoping to circumvent the pasteurization process and sell raw milk directly. New Jersey and Delaware do not allow farms to sell raw milk to the public, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says can pose a severe health threat. Pennsylvania does allow raw milk sales, but farms have to get a permit, which can be difficult for small farms….”