S&R Blog


One of the oldest questions from people to us is asking why we are so critical of the well-known and popular false teachers who pretend to be conservative. The most well-known, after his friend Billy Graham, at least in the top 10 here in the US, is the man named John MacArthur, son of Jack MacArthur. Most people do not realize that Billy Graham was trained at the highest levels of Jesuit-ism, a secret Catholic militia and one-world religion team. But, even more, people don’t realize that John MacArthur (of Grace to You) is a 5th generation freemason – yes, the satanic masonry cult. Don’t believe us? Double-check us – you look at it yourself. You can find that info in our 3rd article on JMacArthur – his masonic family.

Another article you are going to want to read, is our article where we quote MacArthur adding to Jesus’ words in the “Parable of the Prodigal Son”, which MacArthur calls the “Tale of Two Sons”. In MacArthur’s own words on that teaching of Jesus, MacArthur pretends that the Jewish older son did an “honor killing” of his Dad. You can read it yourself here. The other articles are below that.

JMacAthur’s “honor killing” quotes:
> https://www.incpu.org/MacArthur-adding-to-Jesus-Parable-Prodigal.htm

INCPU’s 1st MacArthur Article “Concerns on John MacArthur”
(This is concerns we had, hoping MacArthur would repent)
> https://www.incpu.org/concerns-on-JohnM.htm

INCPU’s 2nd MacArthur article “Calling John MacArthur to repent”
(When MacArthur and team rejected the many rebukes before ours, this was our last plea)
> https://www.incpu.org/calling-macarthur-to-repent.htm

INCPU’s 3rd MacArthur article“MacArthur’s Freemasonry family”– John MacArthur’s freemasonry family – he is a 5th generation masonic clergy with high-level friends in all of the wrong places – including Rick Warren and John Piper and Erwin Lutzer.
> https://www.incpu.org/jmacarthur-mason-family.htm

INCPU’s 4th MacArthur article“Master’s University new summer school program in Italy”(MacArthur is Master’s President)
> https://www.incpu.org/TMU-new-study-program-Italy.htm

INCPU’s 5th MacArthur article on the coalition MacArthur is a member of & supports & promotes. Article called: “Trump coalition: short list”
(This is the team MacArthur is secretly on and supports publicly)
> https://www.incpu.org/Trump-coalition-short-list.htm

INCPU’s collection of articles about connections and false teachers that MacArthur is friends with and promotes
> https://www.incpu.org/all-connected.htm

INCPU’s 6th MacArthur article”MacArthur and the Vatican II coalition”– This article shows MacArthur’s close relationships with the Vatican/Lausanne Movement
> https://www.incpu.org/MacArthur-Vatican-II-short.htm

INCPU’s 7th MacArthur article — This is MacArthur’s speech given at this “conservative” summit where Donald Trump was key-note speaker and candidate of choice
> https://www.incpu.org/JM-WCS-speech-transcript.htm

INCPU’s 8th MacArthur article– This shows MacArthur’s clever cornering of his Christian audience to have to support Trump
> https://www.incpu.org/review-JM-WCS-speech-short.htm

INCPU’s report and evidence/proof Trump is a Jesuit agent– This is our report that proves that Donald Trump has Jesuit training and is working as a Jesuit agent
> https://www.incpu.org/Updated-Trump-Jesuit-agent.htm


There is more to report, but this is what we have been able to report so far.
P.S. It’s sad to see how MacArthur has literally fallen to Rome, and is actively trying to take others with him, including Ken Ham now, and others…
~ Watching, Preaching, Praying, the team at INCPU and FEDBP

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~ Watching, Preaching, Praying, the INCPU News team