
Kirk Cameron – “Saving Christmas”


Hello brothers and sisters in Christ,


Mr. Kirk Cameron is one of the biggest disappointments of my life. My family still is surprised to remember how Kirk sounded like he preached the Bible so well while with Ray Comfort… and then to completely contradict himself in his new partnerships, some of them from “the Family”, some from other places – all of them pulling away from the Bible and back toward sin and idolatry and back under the one-world religion banner of Rome and the Vatican. Is he saved? Can he really preach a false gospel and still be saved?... Unless he repents, his fruit shows that he’s a bad tree, producing bad fruit, and preaching another Jesus. If that alarms you, maybe you should look at what Kirk has been doing the last few years and who he’s been partnering with, and who he’s calling “brothers”… he’s going downhill, as is his sister.


So, in this post, I’ll be posting a little of Kirk’s script from the movie: “Saving Christmas”. You can read the whole script for yourself here (for free):

Or you can watch the full movie for free on youtube, here (for free):


Next up, let’s look at quotes from Kirk himself… it’s sad how far he’s fallen from where he looked like he was. So, let’s just browse and look at quotes and some verses that show some of the errors of Kirk here – defending idolatry and pagan celebrations that crowd out and replace Jesus. The transcript itself is 19 pages, so I can’t quote it all. I’m just catching the highlights I’ve seen in my 7 times watching and analyzing this film.




And I love the spirit in the air at Christmas time. Wherever you go. There's something that

          makes people want to be more kind . At Christmas, they want to be more compassionate - more helpful - more generous. Donations go up all around the world. Something that makes people want to grab others in from out of the cold and help them, clothe them, feed them. And best of all, I think there's something about Christmas that all of us sense - deep inside that says: something big happened. And because of it, everything is going to be okay. And I love hot chocolate.
      But have you noticed, there's some people who would love to put a big wet blanket on all of this. They don't want us to love Christmas so much, and celebrate the way we do.
      There's this one group over here hey, if you want to sing your songs and do your stuff at Christmas-time, that's fine, just tone it down. Don't sing so loud. Right? Just you take your private stuff and just keep it in your house. Don't let it spill out into the public and bother the rest of us. Just keep it tucked in and private.
      And then, there's this other group, over here, who's actually on the inside. Who's telling us: You know, everything your doing, all this stuff - the images the characters, the traditions, it's all wrong. It has nothing to do with Christmas. As a matter of fact, you should just take all of that, wrap it up, and throw it out the door, because it's all bad. You know? What are they going to do next? Tell us that hot chocolate is bad for us? That the druids invented it?
      So, what are we supposed to do? I mean, it can get pretty confusing. And all this bickering is definitely not doing anything good for our kids.
      Maybe, we need a word from the outside. A voice. Someone who can remind us of the true meaning of Christmas. Because, maybe somewhere along the way, we lost sight of the real story. Maybe we've got it wrong. Or maybe we're listening to wrong people. Or, maybe, just maybe, someone like santa claus is actually on the team?...

> Analysis notes: So… Mr. Cameron creates a straw man, puts both Bible-loving followers of Christ and atheists in the same camp and then seeks to somehow “prove” that all of this is… okay. Hmm… okay, let’s see where he goes.


“… Kirk: Stories are a tricky thing. Especially the ones that we've heard lots of times. There was a time, when we didn't mind hearing the stories over and over again. In fact, when we were children, we insisted on hearing them - on an endless loop. In fact, we'd even beg or plead with our parents, until they either gave up, or gave in.
      Then we got older, and we though t: maybe it's time for some new stories. We wanted to be surprised. We wanted more twists and turns, and we'd roll our eyes if something ever got too predictable. But then we had kids of our own, and we found ourselves telling them the same stories our parents told us. Only we thought that maybe the stories were too scary. We got nervous that the wolf or the witch might actually give them nightmares. So, we eased off on the bad-guys, or  even left them out entirely. Our heroes got tamed and cut down to more manageable size. They needed to be less intense, more jolly. But the stories we hear and the stories we tell shape us. The teach us how to live, by showing us how to live.
      You and I are in a story right now. And how we enter this story - matters…

> Analysis notes: Mr. Cameron has already shown in his previous two films that he loves stories. Why Kirk loves stories so much, he’s pretend the whole Bible is full of stories… At some point, Mr. Cameron apparently believes that he can change the Bible to stories and maybe change some of God’s character… shame, shame.


“… Kirk: No. [Bridgette smiles and nods] Hey, uh, where's "Christian"?

Bridgette: Oh, he's in the other room.

Kirk: Yeah? How's he doing? Is he okay?

Bridgette: Yeah! Yeah, yeah, he's fine.

Kirk: You sure?

Bridgette: Yeah... I don't know.

Kirk: Woah... woah, woah, woah, woah. [Kirk goes over to his sister to talk better] Do I need to break some lights? Is he not treating you right?

Bridgette: No.... [as she laughs]

Kirk: 'Cause I'll take him out in the back right now.

Bridgette: No, no, he's fine, really. He's just… He's just not into Christmas this year, that's all.  [She says with a smile, then walks out of the kitchen]

[Kirk looks puzzled, but quickly decides to help the party keep going]

Kirk:  All right, who wants hot chocolate? Hot chocolate guys... [As we watch a variety of people are coming over for hot cocoa, mostly children, Kirk explains his next note]

Narrator Kirk: Remember how I said earlier that you and I are in the middle of a story? The difference between our story and the stories we heard as kids is that we get to help write ours. And we can choose to be the hero or the villain. We can be the wise man, or the fool. We can be "Tiny Tim" or "Uncle Scrooge' [two imaginary characters from Charles Dickens’s 'A Christmas Carol']. Even "Uncle Scrooge" has a story, and he has his reasons. Problems don't take a break just because it's Christmas-time. Maybe someone missed his 'Christmas bonus' this year. Or maybe he lost his job. Or even a loved one. Or maybe, just maybe, he just doesn't like Christmas under any circumstances. [The camera focuses on "Christian"] And that's: "Christian". My brother-in-law. My sister wasn't exaggerating - he is not into Christmas this year.
      You just don't know someone's story, until you see what's going on inside his head. Where some see youthful joy, others see phony smiles spoiled bratty kids. Where some see laughter and holiday cheer, others see pretense and obligations. Where some see festive decorations, others see perverted symbols with hidden meanings. Where some see innocent toys, others see pointless distractions. Where some see generosity and the joy of giving, others see needless spending and bad stewardship. Commercialism. Greed. Holiday junk. Materialism. Paganism. Elf-worship. The list goes on and on. Some people are determined to see the worst in even the best of things. A big slap in the face to the true meaning of Christmas. [the camera has been playing haunted type slow-mo version of the party, now goes to scary, creepy sounds. Interrupted by DeAndre.]

> Analysis points: Notice, Mr. Cameron is carefully laying the ground-work of this video-sermon – it’s not all bad… let’s keep following his trail.


“…Narrator Kirk: And if that person goes missing from the Christmas party, especially if it's at his own home, a good place to look would be - somewhere quiet. Free from Christmas. Ah yes, the car in the driveway. See? If this were a story, that is exactly where you'd expect him to find him. And you would know that this character needs, an intervention…

> Analysis points: so… those who disagree with Kirk, need an “intervention”? Hmm… okay?...


“…Kirk: Hey.

"Christian": Hey.

Kirk: [gets in the car and settles into the front passengers' seat]
I was wondering where you were?

"Christian": Just, you know. Taking a break.

Kirk: [giving the 'puzzled' then 'slightly disappointed looks] You okay?

"Christian": Yeah. Yeah, it just gets noisy... [slightly imitates the tones from a line from the music of the 'Carol of the Bells', a Christmas carol, and trails off]

[Kirk looks puzzled, but says nothing, hoping "Christian" will explain. And he does]

"Christian": I was driving home today, and uh... you know, right on Main St. Everything's lit up. And, I'm driving by a store and I see - I see a little girl and her Mom. The little girl's got this look on her face like 'wah, wah, wah,  I want...'And her Mom's looking at her like - 'it's okay...' And you know Mom's got bags with her. They've been shopping. And that little girl is just so upset. Because obviously whatever she wants, she's not gettin'.  Everyone just wants stuff. And then, and then I come here - and I look at it. I look at the food. I look at, like the ham, I don't where we get a ham that big. I see the presents. I see tree. I see... I see Santa. It's like - what are we going to do? We're going to open those presents. The nieces and nephews are going to be all excited. They're going to tear through - and it's like 3 weeks from now, no one's going to be playing with it.  And that money spent... how many kids could we have fed? How many wells could we have dug? Yeah. Yeah, that's Christmas.
Don't, don't... Dude. I love your sister. I love her to death. And she loves - she loves doing this. She loves putting all the lights up. But, I look - I look at what Christmas is, and I think to myself: This cannot be what God wants.  [pauses... as they both think.]
And deep - deep in the corner, stuck in the corner, will be: a little snow-globe. A little nativity scene. A little baby Jesus. We stick it somewhere in the corner. You don't really see it. And its.. It's a trinket. While a big ole Christmas tree just - walala - I'm the big tree - I'm the big center... I'm the big centerpiece of all of Christmas. And santa's over there... Over here, and put Jesus in the corner. Put Him right there. And put a little glass thing around Him. Shake it upside down - it's winter. Snow falls all over - all over baby Jesus. And by the way, He was not born in December. 
This is not what Christmas is all about.

Kirk: I hear ya. I get it.

"Christian": My man.

Kirk: But, this is all wrong.

"Christian": This is all wrong.

Kirk: No. You're all wrong.

"Christian" About what?

Kirk: About everything you just said.

"Christian": I said a lot.

Kirk: Yeah, and it's all wrong. I think you mean well, but you've got the whole thing wrong. You drank the koolaid. You - you... took the bait - hook, line, and sinker. You swallowed the whole thing. Guess what? Everything you see inside there. It's all about "Christmas" - it's all about Jesus. And you're spoiling the whole thing. Not just for your wife. But for everybody inside your house. You're listening to the wrong people.

"Christian": [puzzled then asks] Are we seeing the same party? Are we seeing the same everything that's going on in there?

Kirk: Yeah.

"Christian": Okay, so what...? So. Explain to me how when I walk into that Christmas party - which is going on all over the world…

> Analysis points: So… Mr. Cameron, your buddy Darren Doane (playing “Christian White”) did raise a few key notes that you’re not answering… But, besides this concern, did you notice the words: “you drank the koolaid”? Anyone remember what that refers to? Yep, that’s right: Jim-Jones – CIA propagandist and false prophet who led the deaths of thousands of cult-followers when they drank cyanide-laced koolaid, and then he supposedly did to… I doubt he did, but that’s another issue entirely. But, back to Mr. Cameron – um, sir, how is standing with God’s Word against the paganism many love including you, like drinking poisonous koolaid? You’ve gone far into the false accusation realm here to defend sins you love there Mr. Cameron. Shame on you… wonder where else you’ll go?...


“…"Christian": Explain to me how that Christmas party honors and glorifies Jesus - cause I'm not seeing it. Where do I start?

Kirk: Let's start with your snow globe. The nativity. I want you to visualize this. Close your eyes and visualize this.

"Christian": Okay. All right. I'll play. I see it.

Kirk: A baby is born…

> Analysis points: So, are you ready for a story? Well, apparently Kirk always is. From here he talks about the swaddling cloths and how they are very similar to Jesus’ burial cloths and that Jesus was born to die. It’s a theme he somewhat rightly repeats through the video-sermonette.


“… [Back to Kirk and "Christian" talking in the parked car]

"Christian": I've got to admit, I never saw the whole swaddling cloth thing. [pausing in amazement] Woah...

Kirk: I didn't either.

"Christian": But that's my point. Like, I can open the Bible. I can look right there and I can go - Oh! There it is! I didn't see that! - That stuffs blows my mind. Like, that. That's all I'm saying. And, Herod's soldiers and kind of looking at that whole thing. That's. I kind of feel like we need to have like little Herod's soldiers all around... you know, the nativity, for you to be able to see like this is what's going on.

Kirk: [Kirk's been nodding and smiling] Right. …”

> Analysis points:

You’ll see Kirk and “Christian” play this out later when “Christian’s” eyes are supposedly open that he should go back to paganism stuff.


> Analysis points: Next Kirk inserts his two friends David Shannon and Raphi Henley talking about what Mr. Cameron would call “conspiracy theories”. But they are done in such a disjointed assembly – though semi-poetic as far as rhyming goes – all under the supposed header of “proof” that there is a “war on Christmas”, that it’s a blur by the time they are done. I don’t know why Mr. Cameron chooses to insult those who hold criminals at all levels and behind pulpits accountable… but he does. Shame, shame, Mr. Cameron. ~ the “rap” section ends with David Shannon (playing “DeAndre”) stressed out, and Raphi asking him if he knows what they need to do to solve this problem. ~ Continuing with Mr. Cameron’s video-sermonette. Camera switches back to Kirk and Darren in the car.


“…[The rappers both pause in thinking... screen changes back to Kirk and "Christian" in the parked SUV in the driveway conversation.]


"Christian": Christmas trees. [chuckles to himself] Newsflash. Christmas tree. Not in the Bible. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Deuteronomy - did I miss it? I miss, I miss Leviticus sometimes. But, I'm pretty sure it's not in there. And that's the big thing I've got sitting in my house right now. Is a big Christmas tree. That's a pagan... That's a pagan, idol, symbol, worshippy-thing. You know that right? That's what they would worship the 'god' with. You know, the 'gods'.

Kirk: What 'gods'?

"Christian": The 'gods'.

Kirk: Which 'gods'?

"Christian": Thorsis... Thorsiris... Thor... Thor... it's always a Norwegian... it's a - that's what they would do. It was the 'Winter'... ''Winter Solstice'. Newsflash. It is December. Jesus was not born in December. And we're celebrating His birthday in December. Hello?

Kirk: When was He born?

"Christian": Probably... He was... Probably.. Probably... Spr... *shrugs* I don't know, but he wasn't born in December.  Everyone knows that. So, we're celebrating that...

Kirk: And the trees are like... it's about like the evergreen trees. That represents eternal life, and fertility. Fertility 'gods'.

"Christian": Wikipedia. Yeah.

Kirk: And people would worship these symbols, and they believed that if they worshipped these symbols and they laid down their offerings and their gifts, that they would inherit eternal life.

"Christian": There you go - you know this.

Kirk: And this is all idolatry.

"Christian": Yes, it's idolatry - in my house. How do your kids react every morning, on Christmas. What do they do? Tell me. What do they do?

Kirk: I make my kids wait at the top of the staircase. I don't let them come down the stairs, until my wife and I get everything ready at tree. And the anticipation builds, and they run down the stairs when I tell them they can. And they run out to the tree, and they are just blown away by all the presents sitting at the base of the tree.

"Christian": That's exactly what the druids did.

Kirk: Right...

"Christian": Druids. You can look this up. This is all history. So, where - I ask again, where are Christmas trees in the Bible. 

Kirk: I'm glad you asked.

"Christian": I'll close my eyes again. Here I go. I'm waiting. Okay, what's the chapter? What's the verse? Do you have a weird obscure verse in Numbers? Where... Where... Where am I going? [Kirks just laughing to himself]. Where do I start in the Bible? Christmas trees? I'm waiting. Where do I go?

Kirk: I'm glad my sister married you. This is awesome. [Christian starts singing the tune of 'Jeopardy'] Bro. Bro, look at me.

"Christian": Where are we going in the Bible?

Kirk: Genesis. …”

> Analysis points: So, if they were actually looking for Biblical answers to these questions, it would be really easy here. John 1:14 explains when Jesus added a human body to Himself, His “incarnation” – at the time of the Jewish “Feast of Booths”, which is in the fall and explains why the sheep and shepherds were in the fields – no snow yet. “14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14) And yes, if you do any sort of study on “Winter Solstice”, “Father Christmas”, “Father Time”, the Roman pagan day of “Saturnalia”, etc (avoiding the editable wikipedia), you can find the history of the paganism that the Vatican emperor Constantine merged with celebrating/remembering Jesus’ coming to earth.

And then, of course, Mr. Cameron wants to explain away his enjoyment of idolatry with a “Christmas tree”, and so he ignores Jeremiah 10, and goes right to “Genesis”.


“…The whole Biblical story starts in a tree lot. The 'Garden of Eden' was full of trees. Adam and Eve were given the fruit of these trees to eat. But, the story calls our attention to two of these trees in particular. First, the 'Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil'. And then, later, the 'Tree of Life'. One tree was off limits, because, by eating it - man would surely die. But, Adam ate from the first tree and was thrown out of the Garden so that he couldn't eat from the second. Mankind would have to wait until the path to that tree was reopened. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. We'll come back to that later. Let's talk about that evergreen tree in your house, decorated with stylized fruit and lights that's making you so nervous. You're anxious because you can't find it in the Bible. Well let me help you.

When God created the world, he filled it with trees. He hung fruit on the trees. When it was time to build His "House" [referencing the Jewish Temple] and make it beautiful, God brought trees inside. The walls of His Temple were frescoed with images of trees. The lampstand in His Tabernacle, was an Almond Tree. And guess what He placed on the branches of the tree in His house? Lights. Beautiful green trees, decorated with fruit, shimmering with lights, inside a house. That's God's idea. Not the druids. And the early church had plenty of good reasons to celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25th, and it had nothing to do with the 'Winter Solstice'. By the way, last I checked, it was God who made the 'Winter Solstice', when He set the planets on their path around the sun. And it's actually quite fitting that we celebrate the birth of Jesus, in the bleak mid-winter, when the world appears to be sleeping and dying - the darkest and coldest time of the year. Right then, at that time, we're proclaiming the turn of history from darkness to light, from coldness to warmth, and from death to life. So enough with what pagans want us to see. Let's look at what God wants us to see.

Let's go back to our story. As I was saying…

> Analysis points:

This is where Kirk’s Bible teaching becomes clearly stories and analogies. You might remember that in his previous two films “Monumental” and “Unstoppable” and even at the beginning of this film “Saving Christmas”, Kirk has made it quite clear that he loves stories. Stories can have some point sometimes, but when they are used to bypass using Scripture, the stories become myths and a lie. And when the Bible is reduced to be “stories”, then we have a lie on a different level. And in this movie, Kirk takes it a step further to almost saying there’s little to no right and wrong, except for the “main” or “biggest” sins. And that’s exactly what he’s doing here too. Rather than just stick with the text of Scripture, which Kirk cannot do and keep his favorite pagan traditions, he avoids clear texts in God’s Word that say what he’s preaching and promoting is wrong, and instead moves to storytelling mode where he uses your emotions and fun memories to excuse these pagan traditions as though it’s really not that bad. Sorry to see Kirk doing this, but that’s what he’s doing. Let’s look at a few passages that Kirk is skipping over – quite intentionally.

 You see, if Kirk were just using the Word of God as his only source to double-check everything around him, then he’d be fine. He’d discover passages about idolatry and take them seriously, and he’d discover a passage in Jeremiah 10 that talks about several ways that the pagans were making idols out of trees – something God loudly rebuked them for. But since Kirk doesn't want to look at these passages, we still need to, because God's Word is true and He disciplines His genuine children when they fight for their favorite sins and idolatry. So, let’s look at a few passages that Kirk is skipping in his love of idolatry and pagan sin-fun.


2 Thus says the LORD: "Do not learn the way of the Gentiles; Do not be dismayed at the signs of heaven, For the Gentiles are dismayed at them. 3 For the customs of the peoples are futile; For one cuts a tree from the forest, The work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. 4 They decorate it with silver and gold; They fasten it with nails and hammers So that it will not topple. 5 They are upright, like a palm tree, And they cannot speak; They must be carried, Because they cannot go by themselves. Do not be afraid of them, For they cannot do evil, Nor can they do any good."... 10 But the LORD is the true God; He is the living God and the everlasting King. At His wrath the earth will tremble, And the nations will not be able to endure His indignation. 11 Thus you shall say to them: "The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth shall perish from the earth and from under these heavens.”” (Jeremiah 10:2-11)


5 Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.” (Colossians 3:5)


7 But reject profane and old wives' fables, and exercise yourself toward godliness.(1 Timothy 4:7)


3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” (2 Timothy 4:3-5)


So, now for a question time. These are some serious questions we need think through.
> Does God really mean it when He commands us to have nothing to reject old wives’ fables or legends?
> Is God being honest? A: Of course He means it and is being honest with us that those lies hurt us.

> Is God true when He says that covetousness is equal in His sight to idolatry? A: Yes. Is God true when He says that people who leave sound doctrine that turns them from the comfortable sins of the world run to myths and legends and fables? A: Yes.

> Is this really too hard to understand? A: No. It’s not a matter of confusion, but a matter of willful rebellion against God – preferring myths to growth in holiness and turning from idols and sins and sin-pleasures back to God.


So, now back to Kirk’s love of “Christmas” trees. Now, are trees wrong in and of themselves? No. God did indeed make these trees and when valued the right way, they point us back to the Creator in praise and worship, instead of distracting us to our wants and the sins that lead us away from Him. But, when people set them up as idols in their homes (just like they do with the trash vendors = TVs) and decorate these trees and put covetous gifts below them, the desires of sin really do draw people away from Christ to the point of trampling on God's grace and Jesus' blood, in their hearts. It’s not my words – God says it. God calls it idolatry. The passage there in Jeremiah 10 is where God describes several ways idols are made, in a condensed list. The pagans of older and modern times took a tree that they cut down, stood it up on a stand and decorated It with gold and silver. That includes the idols they carved out of wood and applied gold and silver coating to, as well as the tree form which they decorated and worshipped around. Please also notice in the text that these trees are stood up straight “like a palm tree” – it is not a palm tree, but stood up on a stand – that’s a key difference and the text clarifies it. Now, what condemns Kirk even more here, since he makes himself a religious teacher (James 3), is that he explains the pagan festivals, but then Kirk pretends that these pagan customs are not a problem when he does some of them. Kirk says they were invented by pagans, therefore we don’t have to worry about them. If Kirk were right, then why does God command us not to make idols with our hands or in our hearts? If idols are almost impossible to make and get in trouble with God for, what are the 10 Commandments written for? And if idols are almost impossible to make and get in trouble with God for, why did God put not one, but two clear commandments against idols in His 10 Commandments? God gave us the 10 Commandments because they teach us God’s holy and pure Character and how to keep ourselves unspotted from sin-pleasures of the world.


2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 You shall have no other gods before Me. 4 "You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5 you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, 6 but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.” (Exodus 20:2-6)


27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27)


The covenant with God to come out from the pagan idolatries and sin-pleasures of the world are the very start of becoming genuinely saved. Jesus explained that the false converts stop there and turn back to their sins.

"13 But the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, who believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away. 14 Now the ones that fell among thorns are those who, when they have heard, go out and are choked with cares, riches, and pleasures of life, and bring no [good] fruit to maturity." (Luke 8:13-14)


15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people." 17 Therefore "Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you." 18 "I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the LORD Almighty." 7:1 Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (2 Corinthians 6:16-7:1) – That is where our salvation covenant with Christ starts. Remember the fear of the Lord is the “beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 1:7. 9:10).


15Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life--is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.” (1 John 2:15-17)

 "Do not love the world" is not talking about not caring about or enjoying God's creation or the people that He created. No the context shows that clearly. So what is it referring to? The whole context of these 3 verses are about sin and it’s “pleasures” – ie, the desires of the flesh, the lust/covetousness of the eyes and the pride of life, which are the 3 Biblical categories of sin, which we also see in Matthew 4. God through Paul explained them in more detail in Galatians 5: "16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. 19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another." (Galatians 5:16-26)


Here would likely be a good time remind those who read this study that Jesus wasn’t “born” on December 25th. First off, Jesus wasn’t “born”, He has always existed because He is God – always has been, always will be (John 1:1-3; John 8:58; Colossian 1:16-18). Secondly, Jesus didn’t come during winter time – we know this because the sheep were in the fields (Luke 2:8-20). Thirdly, everything Jesus did (and will do) fulfills one of the 7 Jewish feasts. In the case of Jesus’ incarnation, John 1 tells when He came: “14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14) ~ The Greek word there for “dwelt among us” is the word for “tabernacle”. Jesus literally put on flesh and “tabernacled” among us (Matthew 1:23).


The reasons there are so much selfishness and grumpiness among humans around the world around December 25th is because that's what unsaved people are living for, and God says that the fights and wars between people come from what's in their own hearts. "1 Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? 2 You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. 4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." (James 4:1-4)


 What Kirk is doing here is putting him dangerously close (if not into) the judgment Jesus gave on lessening sin and teaching others to do the same. May we learn not to violate this command and teaching from Jesus Himself: "19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven [in Hell]; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. 20 For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven." (Matthew 5:19-20)



Continuing with Kirk’s sermonette.


“… [Scene switches back to the conversation with "Christian" and Kirk in the car parked in the driveway.]

"Christian": [thinking and awed by that story] That's pretty cool.

Kirk: It's awesome.

"Christian": Just... I wasn't. I almost feel bad... I wasn't looking, closely enough at... I just didn't... I didn't see that. I didn't...

Kirk: Hey. I didn't see it either. That's why I'm sharing it with you.

"Christian": [his mind shifts to the next topic] Santa Claus. In the Bible. Unless I missed somewhere in the Bible, where God sends his only begotten...

Kirk: Elf. [laughs]

"Christian": Elf. Santa-dude. Like... [laughs]

Kirk: Reindeer pulling a sleigh.

"Christian": Just tell me right now that you're not going to pull like...

Kirk: Sliding down a chimney.

"Christian": Zephaniah 4. [Kirk laughs] Or like, 3rd Corinthians 15. Like.. oh, there's santa claus - I didn't even see it right there. - Just tell me right now... we're good right? That's not going to happen, right?

Kirk: No. [Kirk wants to talk, but he lets "Christian" talk first.]

"Christian": Hold on, Hold on... So, I'm safe in saying that there is no santa claus in the Bible. Right? [nervously braces for answer]

Kirk: No, there is no santa claus in the Bible. But...

"Christian": [overtalks him] Okay. [Kirk tries to speak] Hey, Hey, Hey!

Kirk: Just hold on.

"Christian": Hold on. Hold on. Just think about it. Think about it for one minute. That's the guy - santa - that's, obliterated Jesus. Jesus is gone. The reason for the season is santa claus. What the kids are saying all across the world is not 'I'm so excited to celebrate the birth of Jesus!' - No, they're saying, I'm so excited to get my picture taken with santa claus. And, he's going to give me presents... s-a-n-t-a, rearrange the letters: satan. santa. satan. same letters. Right?

Kirk: Right.

"Christian": Coincidence? [Kirk shrugs] Yeah. Okay. And who's completely gotten rid of Jesus?  satan. santa. Ho, Ho, Ho. Where's - Ho, Ho, Ho - in the Bible? Ho, Ho, Ho - Bible.

Kirk: [somewhat sings] You better watch out, you better not pout, you better not cry I'm telling you why [now, they're singing together], santa claus is coming to town.

"Christian": And what's the next line?

Kirk: [Continues singing] He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you are awake.

"Christian": Right. Omniscience.

Kirk: He knows when you are good or bad, so be good for goodness sake.

"Christian": Omniscience. Omnipresence.

Kirk: He rewards the good and punishes the bad.

"Christian": Last I checked, that was God. And by the way, this is works based. Last I checked, saved by grace. [Kirk gives a baffled look for a second] This is a complete hijacking... This is a high-jacking, high-handed, high-jacking, handedness, jacking. It's like a car-jacking, but like of our religion. And guess what? santa got in the car, kicked Jesus out, and was like 'rolling, rolling, rolling', and took, and took it. Gone. Christmas is gone. It's all about santa. [Kirk starts to talk...] Where in the Bible? Where in the Bible? Flip, flip, flip, flip... Red letter, red letter, red letter.... Where is it. Okay, so. Hold on. I can't... hold on. I can't wait for this one. Here we go - here we go. I'm ready - eyes are closed. I'm looking it... I see him. Hold on - I see his face. [screen shows a blurry version of a gruff santa for a second] Oh, I see his face [face on screen again]

Kirk: What do you see? You see a little elf? And he's in a sleigh with a little red cap and little red outfit. He's got a sack over his back... and he's being pulled by a team of reindeer. [Christian has verbally agreed to all these points along the way.] 

"Christian": Not in the Bible.

Kirk: And he's going to land on a roof, and he's going to slide down a chimney, and he's going to fill stockings and put presents around the base of a tree. Right?

"Christian": Right.

Kirk: Okay. [screens shows this image of this odd-santa getting closer in an eirie image, then switches to "Christian" with his eyes closed, as he takes a deep breath.] Let me tell you about the real santa claus.

"Christian": Oh, I'm ready.

Narrator Kirk: [minute 43]

The real santa claus was a real bad, bad dude. And, when I say "bad", I mean bad in the good way. So "Christian", you want Christmas to be all about Jesus? You think you're fighting the good fight by scowling at decorations and scoffing at presents and mocking Christmas trees? Let me show you how a real defender of the faith does it. Now if I tried to show you how this really happened, you'd see a lot of guys in robes, wearing tall hats, carrying scepters and swinging incense everywhere - it'd be a mess. I want you to imagine this a little more... Lord-of-the-Ringsy...


> Analysis points: I think the only thing Kirk gets right in this part is that “Santa” isn’t in the Bible. But, of course his good friend Darren Doane isn’t helpful either. Together they preach to us that santa is supposed to be our “role model”. Why? Because this myth and old wives’ tale was supposedly constructed around a “hero of the faith” – a Catholic bishop (that Kirk calls a “devout Christian”) who supposedly somehow single-handedly kept Jesus’ deity from getting lost by arguing with another Catholic leader. But the way Kirk portrays it looks a lot more like a bar scene than anything honest. Here’s a clip from Kirk’s story about “Saint Nicholas”.


“…There were leaders in the church that had begun to deny the deity of Christ - the doctrine that confessed Jesus as the Son of God, God in the flesh. Nicholas did not take kindly to those who wanted to reduce Jesus to a mere man. The Council of Nicaea ended up producing what is known today as the Nicene Creed. A [catholic] profession of faith used by churches all around the world. The creed affirmed the deity of Christ, and the three persons of the Trinity. But that affirmation didn't happen, without Nicholas, and a fight. [wolf howls again] He was a real man, who fought for a real truth, against a real enemy of the faith.

[Next scene shows this gruff man walking into the upper lit room where Kirk is describing the story - a man in fancy clothes passionately teaching something, and this gruff guy walks in and sits behind him at first.]

Leading the charge in this heresy, was a bishop named Arias. He was known as a charismatic and compelling speaker. He was traveling from region to region spreading his heresy like a plague. Saying Jesus was less than God. Nicholas had heard enough of Arias's babbling. He would be the shepherd that protects his sheep from the wolves.

[Scene shows this gruff man puts his hand on the shoulder of this fancy-clothes guy - to get his attention. Then this gruff guy slams his shepherd's staff on the table and sits down next to this fancy-clothes guy.]


The older man: [as the fancy-clothes guy is nervously listening, the gruff man says] In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God.


Narrator Kirk: The official record says that at a critical moment during the council, Nicholas put the heretic Arias to shame, not only in word, but also by deed - smiting him on the cheek. [The next scene plays out with the gruff man punching the fancy-clothes guy, and then dragging him outside and supposedly beating him with the shepherd's staff. The dramatic music in the background is meant to hyper the intensity of this 'fight scene'. And this plays out for a couple of minutes while Kirk keeps weaving his story.]

Now, of course, not everyone was happy with his less than jolly actions. In fact, they were so displeased, they removed his title as bishop. But, he was so loved by the people, that they gave it back to him. In fact, he was even "sainted" [Vatican system]. That's why we call him 'Saint Nicholas'. Those were difficult and desperate times. Truth was on the line. And it was not the time for this 'pastor' to go soft on truth or stay quiet for the sake of being politically correct. Nicholas was a hero that became legendary. And the legend became larger than life and reached mythic proportions. [The scene is now watching gruff-guy coming back to his home and the young lady watching for him with her lantern, as Kirk continues to weave his story.] In France, he was called 'Piere Noel'. In Sweden, he was 'Tomten'. In Norway, he was 'Julnissen'. In the Netherlands, he was 'Sinterklaas'. Everyone wanted a piece of him.

[The gruff-guy is back at home and still has the look of rage on his face. The young lady speaks first.]


Young Lady: Oh! Look who it is! Better? You get that out of your system? Come on, we've got work to do. [Camera shifts to seeing two white horses, a sleigh, and a red suit. The gruff-guy still has his 'rage' look on for another 15 seconds or so, but the music is changing to a disco song of some sort, and the gruff-guy smiles really big and then replies.]

The older man: Come on. Let's go bless some kids tonight. We've got gifts to give. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. [The look on the gruff-guy's face is a mix of excitement and crazy-man. It's just a little odd. - Scene switches to someone in the santa outfit smiling (Kirk or Bill, I can't tell which). And Kirk continues to weave his story.]

Narrator Kirk: So "Christian", the guy you think is distracting everyone from the birth of the Christ child is actually the defender of the faith, you want to be. [Scene switches to the conversation in the car between Kirk and "Christian". "Christian" has the look of being blown away by Kirk's story.]…


> Analysis points: There you go. According to Kirk, if we hadn’t had Catholic/Vatican “St Nicholas” to slap a guy and make sure that everyone knew that Jesus was God… we apparently wouldn’t believe that anymore. Only, Kirk apparently was bored of the actual historical account and decided to do a more-like bar-scene portrayal with Kirk’s “St Nick” beating the guy up. So, you can see in clear text that Kirk loves his myths and fables and legends and easily mingles them with God’s Word. Maybe someone needs to give Kirk a Bible and challenge him to read through the New Testament to see how many times he’s contradicting God’s Word in the last several years. And if he says he’s already read it, he needs to be asked why he refuses to rightly teach it and, even more so, to obey and grow in obeying what he knows…


Repeating these verses for clarification and emphasis.

5 Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.” (Colossians 3:5)


7 But reject profane and old wives' fables, and exercise yourself toward godliness.(1 Timothy 4:7)


3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” (2 Timothy 4:3-5)


So, the next scene is Kirk pleased with himself for pulling the wool over “Christian’s” eyes so that he thinks all of the paganness that Kirk loves has somehow magically become “Christianized”. Kirk then hypes “Christian” up to go back in and “get things right”. And the next scene is Christian going to the front door and opening it and staring with childlike wonder and then Kirk continues his sermonette of how all of these things are now supposedly good. So, let’s pick up here with the script:

“…Kirk: The best ending to this story is you being the guy that everyone roots for. You be the guy who saves Christmas. You being the guy who's all in.

"Christian": I'm going to be that guy. [repeats himself multiple times as he psyched himself up. Kirk high-fives him.]

[With building symphony music, the scene switches to a dramatic scene with "Christian" abruptly opening the front double doors and surprising everyone.]


DeAndre: Woah. [Crowd just stares. Bridgette looks over from the kitchen and just watches.] Looks like someone's having a moment. Mmm...


Narrator Kirk: So take it all in. All the glory of Christmas. ["Christian" closes his eyes for a moment... then reopens them.]

Kirk: [to "Christian"] Now see Christmas through new eyes.

[Christian smiles]

DeAndre: Woah, woah - back up everybody!

[Christian runs and dives onto the floor and slides into the gathering of packages at the base of the tree.]

DeAndre: Work Holy Spirit. Can I get an amen?! [Crowd says 'amen'.] The scales are falling off... Glory - ah, glory. Mm..


Narrator Kirk: ["Christian" stays on the floor just staring at everything around him for a minute. The camera looks at each thing that's Narrator Kirk mentions as Kirk weaves his story.] Sometimes you have to be brought low to be humbled as a little child to get the right perspective on Christmas. Look at the presents that surround your tree. When you see them from this perspective, see how they look like a city skyline. Imagine the New Jerusalem - a Heavenly city, whose builder and architect is God. And the wall of the city was adorned with all kinds of precious stones. And what's at the center of that city? A tree. The Tree of Life, made available by the conquering blood of Jesus to all who believe. This Tree, full of healing leaves. This Tree, full of fruit. This Tree, full of lights that shine in the darkness. Lights that shine over the city. So, see the lights, the stars over Bethlehem, announcing the birth of the Prince of Peace. Less lights, that remind us that Jesus is the Light of the world, and that we are to let our light shine before men.

And there's another thing. Look at those presents again. Stacked and wrapped and made beautiful. Waiting to be torn open. This isn't bad stewardship. This is doing what God does. He has always been giving gifts to His children at the base of trees. Abraham was given the gift of a son at the oaks of Mamre. The cedars of Lebanon were given as materials for Solomon's Temple. Our salvation was given at the base of a tree. ["Christian" stands up, staring at the tree.] So does this tree belong in your house? Should it be loaded with fruit and lights and presents?

DeAndre: Woah, woah - Part the red sea!

Narrator Kirk: ["Christian" looks over at 'santa' and runs over as people are scrambling out of the way and flops down next to 'santa'.] And now that you know who the real santa is, I've got a question for ya: would you like to take a picture with him? [The next couple of minutes are a goofy stream of still-shots where people are coming and going for pictures with santa, wrapping up with a large group shot with almost everyone in it. Background music is a dramatic music from one of the songs on the accompanying CD, I think.]

[Bridgette is playing her part well as shocked that her 'husband' is now acting so differently. The scene shows a little of her watching, as Kirk and the camera look back at "Christian' and Kirk keeps weaving his story.] Our Christmas traditions are so rich and so full, if only we had eyes to see them. It's time to step out of the car. Out of the quiet and safe place, where we've been hiding. It's time to tell everyone that every inch of this creation belongs to Jesus. So, you're out of the car - are your eyes open? What do you see? A soldier? [Camera looks at the nativity globe, then to a 'nutcracker' statue.]

We need to make traditions of our own. We need to infuse old symbols with new meaning. We need to rearrange our lives and our homes so that every single thing point to Jesus. [Camera watches as "Christian" moves a nutcracker-soldier closer to the nativity globe.] We need to tell our children new stories. We need to be bold. Remember those soldiers at the nativity? These were Herod's strongest warriors, doing his bidding. Every toy soldier can be a reminder of the whole story. Of how a Baby was spared in His infancy to become the warrior that ensured death finally was killed. So bring the soldiers close. Let them be near the nativity. And remind your children that every character in God's story has a place.

["Christian" looks now over at his 'wife' Bridgette, and walks over to her in an odd slow-mo. And Kirk keeps weaving his story.] And if you've been that guy. If you've spent the holidays terrorizing your family and your friends, scowling at santa, frustrating your wife, it's time to make it right. Christmas, after all, is ultimately about making all things right…

> Analysis points: So, there you go. So, all of the sins of the world really aren’t that bad, you see? No? Oh… you just need to see it through Kirk’s “new eyes” apparently… and ignore the Bible verses – you don’t really need those. Constructive sarcasm aside, Kirk is flat out lying several times here. One of them is when he says we need “infuse old symbols with new meaning”. Right… by bringing the sin-pleasures that crowd out Christ and include idolatry back into our December 25th ceremonies and traditions? Really Kirk? Or how about when Kirk slanders those who love the Bible and are escaping from the tangles of covetousness as though they’ve been “terrorizing” their families? With what? God’s Word and the truth? *sigh*. Darren probably had a lot of fun pretending that we all rely on the editable online “dictionary” called wikipedia, but that’s not the main place this info comes from – most of it is found in history books and teachings from the past.  Maybe Kirk hasn’t seen this passage in a while. It applies to teachers like him.

12 But these, like natural brute beasts made to be caught and destroyed, speak evil of the things they do not understand, and will utterly perish in their own corruption, 13 and will receive the wages of unrighteousness, as those who count it pleasure to carouse in the daytime. They are spots and blemishes, carousing in their own deceptions while they feast with you, 14 having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin, enticing unstable souls. They have a heart trained in covetous practices, and are accursed children. 15 They have forsaken the right way and gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; 16 but he was rebuked for his iniquity: a dumb donkey speaking with a man's voice restrained the madness of the prophet. 17 These are wells without water, clouds carried by a tempest, for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. 18 For when they speak great swelling words of emptiness, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in error. 19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage. 20 For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning. 21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. 22 But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: "A dog returns to his own vomit," and, "a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire."” (2 Peter 2:12-22)


Let’s keep listening to Kirk’s sermonette.

“…Bridgette: [Gives a friendly yet questioning look to "Christian" who is now standing in front of her, in the kitchen.] Are you okay?

"Christian": Honey, I've been a bit of a jerk this Christmas season.

Bridgette: Yeah, yeah, you have.

"Christian": You deserve so much better than. And this Christmas, I'm going to give you something that I've been wanting to give you for a long time.

Bridgette: What have you got in mind, Big Papa?

Narrator Kirk: [1 hr, mark. Camera freezes looking at "Christian"] Now what happens in most stories at this point. I mean, if you were writing this story right now, what would you want to have happen? The cliché kiss, right? But, if we've learned one thing in all of this, let's not forget that sometimes, our heroes do the unexpected. [Screen sound for un-pause and "Christian" tells her his next idea.]

"Christian": I went ahead and organized a hip-hop dance routine that encompasses joy and gospel burst and excitement that I alone as one man just cannot express. [Bridgette has a comical questioning look.] No really, I did. Hit it DeAndre!

DeAndre: [looks out from behind a laptop] Ah, man, I've got just the track for you! How about some Family Force Five? Angels We Have Heard On High. Come on people, let's do this! Yeah... I want to see a choir in here. Ah, God Squad - you know how we do. Woap. Matt Defaus [spelling?] is in the house. Kicking it old school. Theonomy. You know how we do it. How about some sopranos and tenors. Let's do this, baby! Mmm! [song starts and 'God Squad' does their choreography, then everybody dances... this takes about 5 minutes of the movie screen time.]


Kirk: [Runs into the scene and yells] All right everybody! Let's feast! [Everybody cheers and goes in to eat.]

Bill: Well, that's why I show up for these parties. [gingerly sips his hot cocoa with lots of whip-cream on top.]


Narrator Kirk: [Pleasant music in the background as the camera watches everybody get food and eat and laugh and drink wine, etc. And, yes, Kirk continues to weave his story.]

So, this is Christmas. Pull out your best dishes. Your finest linens. Your nicest silverware. The biggest ham. Every side dish you can possibly imagine, and the richest butter. It's time to feast. Invite your neighbors, your co-workers, your friends and your family, and make the most of Christmas. Fill your table with laughter and stories and songs. Don't miss a single opportunity to pass along the joy of the season. And don't buy into the complaint about materialism during Christmas. Sure - don't max out your credit cards, or use presents to buy friends. But, remember - this is a celebration of the eternal God taking on a material body. So, it's right that our holiday is marked with material things - things we can see with our eyes and touch with our hands, and look upon. Ribbons, decorations, hot chocolate, lights, presents, giants hams, stuffing, fudge, Christmas cards, and more hot chocolate piled high with whipped cream. How could we possibly capture all of the joy that Christmas is? We could eat until we split at the seams. We could smile until our cheeks hurt. And laugh until our bellies ache. We could sing until our voices grew hoarse, and we would not have even scratched the surface of this glorious day.

[Everybody toasts their wine glasses.] Throw your doors open and invite the world into the story of this King and His Kingdom. This is our story. Our city. Our tree. Our lights, our presents, our songs, our Saint Nick. Our hope, our future, our Savior. My brother-in-law is seeing it for the first time. And once your eyes have been opened, you can't go back.

All the best to you and your family this Christmas.

[Kirk and his sister Bridgette are looking at each other smiling, as the camera watches both.]

I have to say things have improved around here.

[Ending scene has Kirk giving a wink to his sister - and sort of to the camera.]


> Analysis points:

This is where Kirk gets to his favorite part of his sermonette.

“… Sure - don't max out your credit cards, or use presents to buy friends. But, remember - this is a celebration of the eternal God taking on a material body. So, it's right that our holiday is marked with material things - things we can see with our eyes and touch with our hands, and look upon. Ribbons, decorations, hot chocolate, lights, presents, giants hams, stuffing, fudge, Christmas cards, and more hot chocolate piled high with whipped cream. How could we possibly capture all of the joy that Christmas is? We could eat until we split at the seams. We could smile until our cheeks hurt. And laugh until our bellies ache. We could sing until our voices grew hoarse, and we would not have even scratched the surface of this glorious day.

[Everybody toasts their wine glasses.] Throw your doors open and invite the world into the story of this King and His Kingdom. This is our story. Our city. Our tree. Our lights, our presents, our songs, our Saint Nick. Our hope, our future, our Savior. My brother-in-law is seeing it for the first time. And once your eyes have been opened, you can't go back…

> Analysis points: Yep, that quote about once our eyes are “opened” we “can’t go back” is right from the historical event in the Garden of Eden – something Kirk calls a story. The eating of the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” only happened once – in the Garden of Eden, and not again. We can learn the pure and holy ways of the Lord by studying His Word, but we shouldn’t let demons “open our eyes” to some new deception that contradicts God’s Word. As you can see in what you just read, Kirk is obviously more interested in the passing sins and pleasures of this life than about calling men and women to repent. Not sure how he changed that from when he was working with Ray Comfort till now, but he has.


Scripture would educate Kirk, if he wanted it to. But alas, he seems to have the same problem almost all of the religious leaders in our land have: an inability to read and rightly divide the whole counsel of the Word of God, even to be able to quote literal passages. It’s apparently all stories to them…


In 2nd Timothy, God through Paul says it so succinctly here.

1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” (2 Timothy 3:1-5)


We couldn’t agree more. When a leader claims to be a “Bible teacher” but wants to lead you back to the sins that Christ has bought you from and called you out of, mark them as a possible unbeliever and if they refuse to hear the Word of God, then mark them as a probable wolf.


~ If you have any questions, please ask and we’ll be glad to explain further or show you more verses from God’s Word – there are many more on these topics.


~ Watching, Preaching, Praying, your growing bro, SH along with the FEDBP team




If you’d like to review the “Saving Christmas” film again, or to read through the movie script in text form, you can find both links below. Both are free to use and share.


Or you can watch the full movie for free on youtube, here (for free):